State of the art

Cloud Token Processing

Effective 2023, Visa and Mastercard have introduced the Secure Credential Framework / Customer Performance Development Regulations, which are aimed at all domestic and intraregional e-commerce transactions. The card schemes will now charge an additional surcharge, ranging between 2.00 and 6.5 bps. These new regulations consequently penalise all transactions without Network Tokenization, based on the jurisdiction of the merchant company. Please review the attached publications in this regard.

The introduction of network tokens is, by all means, the saving grace for business ventures that have built their business model around recurring billing. This update removes the ocurrance for a range of decline codes- including the codes for expired card, pick up card, and invalid account number. We have conducted a few case studies based on larger e-commerce clients and have calculated an uplift potential ranging between 15-20%

Scheme regulations

Your Advantages

  • Improvement of Authorisation Ratios

  • 90% reduced PCI Scope

  • Minimised Security Exposure

  • Facilitating processing across multiple acquirers

Offered Features

  • Cloud based payment processing

  • Safeguard most sensitive data

  • Streamline Cloud Tokenization Platform

  • Automated card data udates

Network Token – Transaction Flow

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